Real Estate Solution

Our Solution Will Help you to Manage all Real Estate Activities. This system is useful for any size Real Estate Companies. In this system, we try to make all real estate operation computerized.

Why You Need our Real Estate Solution?

  • Manage Multiple Projects at Same Time
  • Make All Operations Online and Easy to Manage
  • Manage Inventory
  • Manage Office Expenses
  • Communicate Quickly
  • Want to Remember Daily Tasks
  • Improve Efficiency of Business
  • To Keep Track of all Assets of Projects
  • Tired of Calling Customers for Payments
  • Manage Loans
  • Store Information of all Visitors
  • Want to Summaries All Transaction
  • Reduce Paper Work
  • Improve Transparency
  • Manage Information of all Clients/Brokers
  • Manage Investments
  • Tired of Preparing Detail Project Reports
  • Manage Brokerage
  • Remember All Meetings
  • Manage Project Documents
  • Automatic Reminders of Payments Due

Informative Dashboard

Dashboard is a main screen of the system which displays important information and quick search and quick action buttons. With help of Dashboard you can see below information.

  • Search Customers
  • Search Sales
  • View Current Projects
  • Quickly Access Reports
  • View Investment Details
  • Manage To-Dos
  • View Loan Interest Reminders
  • Search Assets
  • Search Project Document
  • View Ledger Statement for Account
  • View Project Details
  • View Payment Reminders
  • View Meeting Reminders

Projects Management

Project Management is very important section in which we should enter all project related details. This section is helps you to manage below operations.

  • Manage Multiple Projects
  • Manage Investment of Partners
  • Define Payment Plans for Each Project
  • Manage Partners for Projects
  • Manage Assets of Project EG. 1BHK, 2BHK, Shop
Real Estate Solution in India
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Relations are person or entity to whom we should directly interact. In our all operations, we should interact with so many Clients, Employees, Brokers and Banks. We need to store information about relations only one time when required and then we can use it in all section of our system. We can perform below operations in this section.

  • Manage Customers
  • Manage Employees
  • Manager Brokers
  • Manage Banks
  • View Statement for any Relation


Sales panel is most commonly used part of our system. In this panel, we can easily manage all our Sales, Payments, Outstanding, Extra payments Collection likes Meter Charge, Dastavej Charge etc. In sales section, we can perform below operations.

  • Manage Sales
  • Manage Sales Invoice
  • Assign Payment Plan
  • Manage Payment Slips
  • Receive Extra Payment Like Meter Charge, Water Charge
  • Cancel Sales
  • Manage Brokerage
  • Receive Payments from Customers
  • TDS Deductions
  • View Summary of Sales
  • Search for any Sales
Real Estate Solution in Gujrat
Construction Solutions in India


To manage our business one of the important part is to purchase land on which we can develop our project. All such kind of operations are managed by this section.

  • Purchase Assets
  • Set Payment Plan for Assets
  • Make Payments to Vendor
  • Manage Broker Payments
  • View Details Summary of Purchase


Loan panel is used to manage all loans which we given to other person/company or we receive from other person/company. For our business, many times we should receive loan from banks or financial institutes. In this section, we can manage all loan related below mention operations.

  • Give/Receive Loan
  • View Loan Related Reminders
  • Receive/Pay Loan Interest
  • Receive/Pay Loan Capital
Real Estate Solution in Gujarat

Inventory Management

Inventory Management is used to manage all inventories which are used in project like Bricks, Iron, Cement etc. Inventory management is always resource occupied and difficult task. With this section, we can help you to manage inventory properly by performing below mention operations.

  • Manage Products
  • View Stock Statement
  • Purchase Products
  • Sales Products
  • Keep Track of Products Used in Productions


Finance Management is one of the important section for accounting, by this section we can manage our Expenses, Incomes, Deposits, Withdraws, Other Payments and Other Received. In Finance section, we can perform below operations.

  • Manage Expenses
  • Manage Incomes
  • Manage Bank Deposit
  • Manage Bank Withdraw
  • Manage Other Payments
  • Manage Other Receives
Real Estate Solution Gujarat
Construction Solutions in Gujarat


Communication is essential for any business. In current scenario, no one can ignore communication. Communication is use to manage all messaging activities between System, Partners, Brokers, Employees, Loan Receivers, Loan Givers and Customers. All communication which is done through Email or by SMS is managed by this section.

My Personal

This section contains some of the important operations which required at personal level like Manage To-Dos, Manage Meetings and Manage Important Documents. So many person using diaries to enter daily tasks, here we make that process computerized by using To-Dos. It is also difficult to remind every meeting, we also make it easy with Meeting Sections. With Document Section, you can store all your important documents in electronic form.

Construction Solutions in Gujarat
Real Estate Solution in India


Administration section provides you facility by which you can control that which user can access which portion of system. Eg. Sales person don’t require to access Inventory and Loan section. We can create as many users as we want and give each user access to some sections, so they cannot access other sections of system. We can perform below operations in this section.

  • Manage Group
  • Set Permission for Each Group
  • Manage Users
  • Assign Group to User
  • Change Password for Users


We are providing so many informative reports by which client can analysis progress of his company and get whatever information they need in just a click. This section contains more than 60 reports.

  • Project Reports
  • Sales Reports
  • Payments/Receives Not Cleared Reports
  • Purchases Outstanding Reports
  • Incomes/Expenses Reports
  • Capital Investment Reports
  • Trading Account
  • Login Trace Report
  • Project Summary Reports
  • Sales Payments Reports
  • Purchases Reports
  • Loan Reports
  • Deposits/Withdraws Reports
  • Cash Rojmel
  • Profit & Loss Account
  • Assets Reports
  • Sales Outstanding Reports
  • Purchases Payments Reports
  • Relations Reports
  • Inventory Reports
  • Ledger Statement Report
  • Balance Sheet
Builder Software India


Charts always represent data faster and more understandable manner. We are providing so many informative charts by which client can analysis progress of his company and get whatever information they need in a graphical format. In this section, You will get statistics information for below sections.

  • Investments
  • Sales
  • Purchases
  • Inventory
  • Expenses


As this system stores sensitive information, we taken full care of security. We are using SSL to access site. We also provide OTP authentication so user can login only after verifying code received on his/her mobile. We also provide facility by which we can set site to open by some specific IP Address.

Builder Software in India

Real Estate Solution is perfect for any small or medium Real Estate Company. It will help you to make all your operations smooth and computerized. It will also save lots of time and human resources.

You are just one step away to meet one of the most trusted and reliable IT Service Provider!

We are sure that if you will work with us, then we will become one of the very important parts of your business.


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